The Gravity of Heaven: Walking in the Reality of Sonship
“In a culture and time when family identity and definitions are being blurred, The Gravity of Heaven is a wonderful and empowering book. It captures the essence and expression of what it means to be a son and daughter of God. Personal experiences along with Biblical examples help the reader connect to the deep call in every one of us that desires to hear, “this is my son in whom I’m well pleased.“
Joe Bogue
Pastor, Grace Church Willis & Founder, Experience Youth Camp
I highly recommend The Gravity of Heaven, Walking in the Reality of Sonship as a must-read.
Dr. Don Crum
Founder of Leadership International
Heaven will come to earth, if you will become who you really are.
No matter your starting point, The Gravity of Heaven offers a clear path to reclaiming your identity – by uncovering the source of true identity itself, found in one word: Father. Brian Sherman, with a conversational style that breaks down deep concepts into simple language, clears away the confusion and uncovers the truth in scripture about what God intended when He dreamed of you – and what Jesus came to reveal and restore to us about our original purpose.
If you’re struggling to find clarity about who you are, the problem isn’t you. The problem is the search itself. Identity – true identity – is not something you can “find” or figure out. It’s not a puzzle, riddle, or a problem you solve. You can try, and nearly everyone does, but you will never discover the central truth of who you are on your own. Truth is a person…and He is a son. Meaning, he reflects the Father. That’s what makes him “true”, and that’s what makes you true. True identity can only be bestowed, and only the Father can do that. Only He knows your name.
In this book, readers will discover the theme of sonship – God-given, Father-derived, image-bearing identity. Throughout the Bible, we see how God meets humanity, one person after another, and reveals a startling truth to each: Heaven knows who you are, but you don’t. This is the human condition: we’ve all learned to be someone – one who can survive and “make it” in the world on our own. We’ve each learned to be a self. But we were each really made to be a son, a heaven-reflecting image of the Father. There is a startling difference. All of our daily struggles can be rooted in that one simple truth: be a self, or be a son.
The Gravity of Heaven will invite you to connect heaven and earth in your life. It’s what you were born to do. Peter walked on water, a gravitational impossibility – unless it wasn’t. He joined Jesus in another reality, walked in heaven on earth for a few moments, then began a transformation into his true identity. It’s all connected, and you, too, must reclaim and walk in your heaven-and-earth bridging identity: your sonship.
Discover how in The Gravity of Heaven.
Why reclaiming your true identity is the key to bringing Heaven to earth:
Listen to an overview of the book here:
5 Things this Book will Teach You:
- Why knowing your true identity feels so elusive.
- What Heaven knows about you: God's original intent for Adam, Jesus, and you.
- How to reclaim your true identity as a son or daughter of God.
- How to walk in Heaven's reality on earth.
- Your role in God's plan to restore the world.
...and much more.
Praise for The Gravity of Heaven:
In his book The Gravity of Heaven, Brian gives a clarion call to rise up as sons and daughters and walk in our true identity. He not only challenges the readers to come out of hiding, he gives practical steps to follow that will help with the process of discovering our identity. The Gravity of Heaven is a book that both the mature believers and those new in the Kingdom of God will benefit greatly from."

I heard these words from a preacher on a stage in 2012. At that time, I was about three years into a journey to discover my identity in Christ. As a child, I had been abandoned by my parents and had grown up as an orphan. When I heard those words read, I immediately heard the Spirit say to me "Son, you are not abandoned anymore." He called me "son" and my life is now becoming. Few people I know have the ability to articulate this truth like Brian Sherman. In humility, through academic rigor and intimacy with the Spirit, Brian has created a work that is theologically sound and accessible. It has been an honor to hear him speak these truths and to know him as a man.

This book is so easy to read and understand. If you have been in the church for any amount of time, reading this book will put meat on the bones of who we are truly meant to be. If you have recently made the decision to make Jesus your Lord and Savior then this needs to be a handbook to help you understand who you really are.

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